What is E-mail Marketing? Types & Tools to be used in Email Marketing.

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Ohmmo Group ~The Marketing Revolution. 

In today's blog let's dicuss about "E-mail Marketing."

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending commercial messages, typically in the form of emails, to a group of people with the aim of promoting products, services, or engaging with customers. 

It is used to build relationships, generate leads, drive sales, and enhance brand awareness.

 Effective email marketing campaigns focus on delivering valuable content to the recipients, utilizing personalized messages, and adhering to relevant legal regulations, such as obtaining consent for sending marketing emails.

Email marketing involves various types and tools to effectively reach and engage with your audience. Here are some common types and tools used in email marketing:

"E-mail has an ability many channels don't: Creating Valuable personal touches at scale."

Types of Email Marketing:

1. Promotional Emails: 

Used to promote products, services, discounts, or special offers.

2. Newsletters:

 Regular updates about your business, industry news, and helpful content.

3. Welcome Emails: 

Sent to new subscribers to introduce your brand and set expectations.

4. Transactional Emails: 

Automated emails triggered by specific actions, like order confirmations or password resets.

5. Abandoned Cart Emails:

 Encourage users to complete their purchase if they left items in their shopping cart.

6. Survey Emails: 

Collect feedback from customers to improve products or services.

7. Re-engagement Emails: 

Target inactive subscribers to encourage them to re-engage with your content.

Tools for Email Marketing are:

1. Email Service Providers (ESPs):

 Platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Sendinblue that allow you to create, send, and track email campaigns.

2. Email Automation Tools: 

Enable you to set up automated email sequences based on triggers or user behavior.

3. Email Analytics:

 Track email performance, open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics to measure campaign effectiveness.

4. Personalization Tools: 

Customize emails with dynamic content based on subscriber data to increase engagement.

5. A/B Testing Software: 

Test different subject lines, content, or designs to optimize email performance.

6. Opt-in and Signup Forms: 

Tools to capture email addresses and grow your subscriber list.

7. Email List Management: 

Helps you maintain and organize your subscriber database efficiently.

Remember to comply with relevant email marketing regulations, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CAN-SPAM Act, and always provide an easy way for subscribers to opt-out if they wish to stop receiving emails.

"Don't forget about E- mail Marketing ! Your email list is Extremely Valuable & ranks very high in terms of conversion."

For more such marketing blogs stay tuned.

Thank you 


Ohmmo Group ~The Marketing Revolution.

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