What is Market Research? Its scope and types?

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Ohmmo Group ~The Marketing Revolution. 

In today's blog let's dicuss about"Market Research. "

What is Market Research?

Market research is the process of gathering, analysing, and interpreting information about a specific market, including its potential customers, competitors, and trends. It helps businesses understand consumer preferences, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions about their products, services, and marketing strategies.

This research can involve surveys, interviews, data analysis, and other methods to gain insights into customer behaviour, market trends, and competitive landscapes.

Scope of Market Research:

The scope of market research includes understanding customer needs, analysing competition, evaluating market trends, and gathering insights to make informed business decisions. 

Market research strategies involve defining objectives, collecting data through surveys or interviews, analysing data, and using findings to develop marketing plans and strategies. 

It helps businesses identify opportunities, minimise risks, and stay competitive in the market.

Types of Market Research:

Market research can be categorised into several types, including:

1. **Descriptive Research:**

This involves gathering information to describe market characteristics and trends, often using surveys, observations, and secondary data.

2. **Exploratory Research:** 

This type is used to gain insights into a problem or situation, often in situations where little is known. Techniques like focus groups or in-depth interviews are commonly used.

3. **Causal Research:** 

This aims to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between variables. Controlled experiments and statistical analysis are often employed in causal research.

4. **Quantitative Research:** 

This involves collecting numerical data to quantify and analyse market trends and patterns. Surveys, questionnaires, and statistical analysis are commonly used.

5. **Qualitative Research:** 

This focuses on understanding attitudes, behaviours, and motivations through methods like interviews, focus groups, and content analysis.

6. **Primary Research:**

 Involves collecting new data directly from the source, such as through surveys, interviews, or observations.

7. **Secondary Research:**

Involves analysing existing data that has been collected by others, such as market reports, industry studies, and academic research.

8. **Observational Research:** 

Involves observing and recording consumer behaviour without direct interaction, often used in retail settings.

9. **Ethnographic Research:** 

Involves immersing researchers in the target audience's environment to gain deep insights into their behaviours and needs.

10. **Social Media Research:** 

Utilises data from social media platforms to analyse consumer sentiment, trends, and opinions.

11. **Online Surveys:** 

Conducting surveys over the internet to gather opinions and insights from a wide audience.

12. **Focus Groups:** 

Bringing together a small group of participants to discuss a product, service, or topic, allowing researchers to gather qualitative insights.

13. **Competitive Analysis:** 

Studying competitors' offerings, strategies, and performance to understand market dynamics.

14. **Market Segmentation Research:** 

Dividing a market into distinct segments based on characteristics like demographics, behaviours, or preferences.

15. **Trend Analysis:** 

Identifying and analysing long-term patterns and shifts in consumer behaviours, preferences, and market dynamics.

Each type of market research serves a specific purpose and helps organisations make informed decisions about their products, services, and strategies.

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Ohmmo Group ~The Marketing Revolution.

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