Media Buying


Media Buying

Radio Advertisement

Radio advertising comes in three main categories: live reads, spoken by an on-air personality; sponsorships, which show a business sponsoring a radio segment such as traffic or weather; and produced spots, which can incorporate dialogue, background music, sound effects, or even a short, catchy tune known as a jingle.

Radio advertising is any advertising effort featured via AM, FM, satellite, or online radio. Radio advertising typically takes the form of commercials between segments or sponsored, featured daily or weekly segments.

Cinema Advertisement

Cinema ads are short ads that play before the trailers and movie start. They roll while audiences are entering the movie theater, finding their seat, and getting settled in the theater. These ads play to a captive audience, as most moviegoers come prepared to watch and engage with the content on the screen.

“Cinema advertising is eight times more effective at making your brand stand out from the crowd than television. If you show people an unbranded still from an ad, three times as many cinemagoers will actually recall which brand it is for, when compared with TV viewers.

Transit Advertisement

Transit Advertising As the word 'Transit' implies transportation, this category of advertising is non-traditional form of advertising where different vehicles like Cars, Auto Rickshaw, Buses, Train Ads, cycles or any other moving objects become the medium for communicating to the target audience.

Also called advertising on transport, transit advertising is outdoor media placed in or on any mode of public transportation. It's advertising media we experience in (and on) buses, trains, taxis, subways cars, bus shelters, and train stations.

Outdoor Advertisement

Types of outdoor advertising include billboards, bus benches, interiors and exteriors of buses, taxis and business vehicles, and signage posted on the exterior of your own brick-and-mortar location. Outdoor advertising works well for promoting your product in specific geographic areas.

Outdoor advertising, also known as out-of-home advertising, is advertising that reaches consumers when they are outside their homes. The Outdoor Advertising Association of America says that's where consumers spend 70 percent of their time.

Newspaper Advertisement

Newspaper advertising is what the name would suggest and involves running an ad for your business in a publication. There can be a variety of things that can be included in this, depending on what goals you're looking for. Typically, it means that you'll place an ad in a specific section of the newspaper

Newspaper display advertising is a form of newspaper advertisement - where the advertisement appears alongside regular editorial content. Display ads are generally used by businesses and corporations towards promotion of their goods and services and are generally for larger budget clients.

Magazine Advertisement

Magazine Advertising Definition: Print ads that run in local or national magazines. When it comes to magazine advertising, most people think of the large, glossy, national publications full of big brand advertisers.

Aside from the ad size, there are different types, which include display ads, advertorials, classifieds, and special promotions. Special promotions may include products to be featured in an article or a series of articles on a particular subject

Tv Advertisement

A television advertisement (also called a television commercial, TV commercial, commercial, television spot, TV spot, advert, TV advert or simply an ad) is a span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization. It conveys a message promoting, and aiming to market, a product or service.

Television advertising refers to the process of creating and airing commercials on television with the aim to promote a product or service. TV advertising is one of the most common and effective ways to reach consumers. This is because it offers a wide reach, frequency, and impact.

Airport Advertisement

Airport Advertising in India is tool used for marketing a product or brand. Airport advertising can be defined as the billboard and hoardings, digital or non digital ads that are placed in and around domestic and international airports. They are one of the form of OOH advertisement.

We offer airport advertising options including placing billboard and posters throughout various terminals to engage passengers before they are set to fly.

Non Traditional Advertisement

Non-traditional advertising encompasses anything that is not TV, radio, standard print or direct advertising. It is designed to cut through the clutter of traditional advertising and grab the attention of customers

The goal of non traditional advertising is to create striking advertising experiences that capture interest through their creativity and unpredictably. Much of non-traditional marketing involves putting ads in unusual places, or displaying ads in unusual ways, hoping to command the attention of unassuming viewers.

Videography & Photography

Videographers and photographers capture moments for individuals and companies. The former use audio equipment and video cameras to create short films and document events, while the latter uses cameras to take images of landscapes, events, and people.

Videography is used to create video content, and use audio equipment and video cameras to sound and capture moving scenes and document events. Photography creates visual content by capturing images of landscapes, events, and people.

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