What is Word- Of- Mouth Marketing? Its scope & types ?

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Ohmmo Group ~The Marketing Revolution. 

In today's blog let's dicuss about "Word-Of-Mouth Marketing."

Word of mouth marketing is a form of promotion where satisfied customers or individuals share positive information or recommendations about a product, service, or brand with others. 

It relies on personal experiences and trust, often spreading through conversations, social media, or online reviews. 

This type of marketing can be highly effective as it leverages the power of genuine endorsements from real people.

The scope of word of mouth marketing is vast and can cover various aspects of a product or service's promotion. 

Some key types of word of mouth marketing include:

1. Organic Word of Mouth: 

This occurs naturally when satisfied customers voluntarily share their positive experiences with friends, family, or colleagues.

2. Amplified Word of Mouth: 

Brands encourage and facilitate word of mouth through various strategies, such as referral programs, social media campaigns, or influencer marketing.

3. Buzz Marketing: 

Creating a buzz around a product or event to generate excitement and word of mouth through exclusive previews, limited releases, or unique experiences.

4. Viral Marketing:

Creating content or campaigns designed to go viral and spread rapidly through social media and online platforms.

5. Customer Reviews and Testimonials: 

Positive reviews and testimonials from customers on websites, forums, or social media can greatly influence potential buyers.

6. Influencer Marketing:

 Collaborating with influencers or celebrities to promote products and services to their followers, leveraging their trust and influence.

7. Community Building: 

Brands foster engaged and loyal communities around their products or services, encouraging members to share their experiences with others.

8. Offline Word of Mouth: 

Word of mouth can happen in person through conversations, events, or networking, especially in local communities.

The scope and effectiveness of word of mouth marketing can significantly impact a brand's reputation, customer acquisition, and overall success.

For more such marketing blogs stay tuned.

Thank you 


Ohmmo Group ~The Marketing Revolution.

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